
Sunday, March 31, 2013

USDOJ: Justice Department Settles with Warren, Ohio, Police Department

USDOJ: Justice Department Settles with Warren, Ohio, Police Department

1 comment:

richard olivito said...

this article demonstrates my original efforts in Warren, Ohio in the summer of 2003, in which I compiled a list of serious citizen police encounters and complaints and reviewed them "in order to find if a pattern and practice exists" ... which I did and afterwards, the next month, after the major media continued its coverage of some of Warren PD's misconduct, I spoke in person in D.C. with the DOJ Civil Rights Division officials and urged them to open a file and an investigation into Warren's PD...

they did and would follow up upon my original federal civil rights lawsuits...and the following year, in 2004...the Civil Rights Division announced it was opening up a 14141 investigation into the WPD...after W's re-election, (which was nothing short of a some observers)